Relax and Savor the moment
Are you able to relax and just savor a moment? To just be? What do you do to relax in…
Are you able to relax and just savor a moment? To just be? What do you do to relax in…
Should you stage your closets and cabinets when you are selling your home? As a Home Stager and Realtor I…
Move or stay – what makes sense for your life right now?
Living your best life in your condo. There are some wonderful reasons to live in a condo – the amenities, lack of maintenance, no need to shovel snow!
However, there are some downsides and many of them revolve around living in a smaller space. It’s my hope that this will give you some ideas to get a start on creating or updating the home you want into the home that supports your needs and helps you live a more fulfilled life.
Join me digging into how to create the perfect space you can call home. Create the home and live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted while exploring the information, inspiration, and ideas in this website.
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