Creating a Home That Reflects Your Personality

Does your home reflect your unique personality?

Does your home reflect your personality? Is your home a true reflection of you? If not, why not? Now that’s a topic! But seriously – does your home reflect you?

Does it support you emotionally? Is it a place where you want to go home to? Once at home do you feel protected? Never want to leave? Is it your sanctuary? If not, why not? Make it your own – put your own stamp on it, surround yourself with things that you love and toss the rest. We are all unique and want to have homes that show our true personality. Let your home be your canvas for expressing the artist that is creating the unique being you are.

Like the comfort food of sticky black rice pudding your home should be a place that nurtures, comforts, and supports you.

Rich delicious sticky black rice pudding
Rich delicious sticky black rice pudding

Good design should support you (and of course those that live with you).

Home should be a place that’s a reflection of your unique personality, your interests, hobbies, passions, and desires.

Its all about making it your own

Minimalism is a trend at the moment which I’m following online. On the one hand as I go through old paperwork and shred, shred, shred, I understand the need to reduce. But there I’m going to stop and stand firm and say, yes, get rid of what no longer supports you, but don’t let anyone (online or in person) convince you to get rid of what you love, what defines you to yourself as you. Your home doesn’t have to look like a magazine spread. It needs to reflect you and your personality and passions.

But I’m drowning in the The Horrible Terrible Paper Clutter!

I know, me too! What every happened to the paperless society? I seem to turn around and have paper stuck to me. So what can we do with paper clutter? Some of it’s easy – the (more than 7 years) old tax returns – shred. Old love letters or photos – well, why would you do that? If they are in boxes piled to the ceiling then yes, weed them out. But isn’t it nice every now and then to go down memory lane?

I recently found a box of old photos and cards from my wedding. I took a deep breath, went through them, saved one or two and threw out the rest! Yes, I did. It was fun, and liberating. (I have to confess that there were cards from people I no longer remembered).

Old high school, college, or university texts and notes – there’s this amazing thing called the Internet which will have all the information you need and it’s up to date – let that paper/books/stuff go!!!

Make way for what’s important to you right now

I’ve got a few other posts about de-cluttering. I fully support de-cluttering – but – and this is a big but – only if it helps reveal the very essence of what you find important in life. It has to reflect your personality – the person you are, not necessarily the person you’ve been. You can read more here.

We are all social, unique spiritual beings who have memories of people, places, and experiences that we hold dear. Sometimes those items are images, sometimes they are things.

If they are images then choose the ones that make you smile and ditch the rest. There are so many options these days for creating electronic memories. (Says she who has three large boxes filled with photo albums I labored hours over many years ago in another lifetime (and in a galaxy far far away…)– and no, de-clutterers everywhere – it will take me too long to scan and save – life is too short and should be enjoyed – they can stay in the boxes for now!)

Are you displaying your collections?

The collections you have in your home should reflect you
Honor your collections by moving them around when you dust -it will keep the collection fresh

With the things you own you can create displays that showcase your interests and passions. Just make sure you keep them dusted and move them around every few months to create visual interest and keep the energy flowing. Your collections are part of you. It’s only natural that you will want them in your home. They are a reflection of your personality.

One of my clients dedicated a whole room to his StarWars collection once the kids moved out – space ships hung from the ceiling and shelves carried models and action figures. It was a fun room to explore and made him happy.

We are all complex beings with many layers (think onions) – peel away one layer and you’ll reveal something more about yourself. Maybe even something you didn’t know about yourself – that’s why life is so exciting – you never stop learning. It’s nice to do some reflecting and learn more about yourself as well.

Where am I going with all this? I guess I’m just saying for now that it’s ok to keep some things – it’s that old adage by William Morris –

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

William Morris

De-clutter away the trivial and items or paperwork that is no longer needed but keep out and enjoy the items that make your home uniquely yours.

Let your home reflect YOU!

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Welcome! I'm Clarissa.

With a deep passion for homes and the way we live in them, I share insights on everything from furniture, accessories, flooring, window treatments, and antiques—all to help you create your perfect lifestyle. As a Realtor, Interior Decorator, and Interior Decorating instructor, I blend my love for travel, gardening, and design exploration into every post.

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