Joy at Work Book Review

Joy at Work Book Review

The book focused on examining how we work and evaluating the tasks and items we surround ourselves with to see if they spark joy.

There were five ideas from Joy at Work that provided me with AHA moments. Some were obvious and are covered in many organizing books but a few were new. It’s making me reflect and think about work differently.

A living room with white walls

Basement Renovation Provides Country in the City Basement

This basement was unfinished and cold! Completing a basement renovation added usable square footage and helped this home sell quickly. We designed the floor plan as one open space, providing for versatility for future owners. Major renovations were done to maximize the home sale, including finishing this basement. A simple floorplan helped with our client’s…

A kitchen with white countertops and steel chairs

Lifestyle: Living Large in a Condo

Living your best life in your condo. There are some wonderful reasons to live in a condo – the amenities, lack of maintenance, no need to shovel snow!
However, there are some downsides and many of them revolve around living in a smaller space. It’s my hope that this will give you some ideas to get a start on creating or updating the home you want into the home that supports your needs and helps you live a more fulfilled life.